Tuesday 29 December 2015

life of golshifteh

Golshifteh was  the first Iranian actress who is living in Iran,and  could play in Hollywood. The film "body of lies," Ridley Scott's latest film in which she starred in. The film that brought her fame and was troublesome. In the film in the most demanding days of the Ministry of Culture of the Islamic Republic, he questioned, warning and facing a travel ban. Not long after leaving Iran, she said that because in the film by the Ministry of Culture and Information has been questioned and held accountable.

It was also a case in court to charges that he has to play in America cinema without the authorization of the Ministry of Culture deal. Although he did not intend to return to Iran, but some Iranian filmmakers consultations to restore the little girl did. As a result of these actions that long ago shamaghdary artistic adviser to the president of the smooth return of Golshifteh Iran announced last week by the director Farahani was announced that the opening spring "About Eli" He Iran will return.
who is golshifteh farahani?
The result (Golshifteh) 19 Persian date Tir 1362 Farahani was born in Tehran and in an artistic family. He has a sister (Anemone Farahani, BA in Painting, actor) a brother (Lightning, Bachelor of Music, cartoonist) is. Farahani an adoptive family as well. Ardeshir Rostami, cartoonist, illustrator, sculptor, architect, designer, poet and actor. He's long ago in the series, played the role of Azerbaijani poet. His father, Behzad Farahani was born in 1323, originally Farahani (Arak) and the proposed theater and cinema actors of the country before and after the revolution that his life spent in radio F. Rahimnia born in 1326 in Tehran and graduated in visual arts of the University. DEA Humanities Strasbourg, France. He his career in 1347 in the national art and his artistic career in 1349 as an actor in the movie "invasion" began.
amily status

Golshifteh was born when the family soon after their return to Iran Farahani had passed. Behzad Farahani 53 years because of problems that look for work in Iran because of his political vision and emigrated to France and returned to Iran after the revolution, but left space for political artist was still unopened. The family lived in poor financial circumstances and father with various tasks such as taxi or interpreter tried to turn the wheel of the family. Golshifteh name on the birth certificate "gift" record, this is because the registration Golshifteh name at the time was not appropriate. At home and among friends her goal, but his name was Golshifteh in Iran. His childhood passed in Yousef Abad, was five years old when he began teaching music and piano.

From interest in music to play in a pear tree

Satan was very active child, but had a particular interest in music. The 68 that his father had again entered Synma- theater, he starred alongside his father in several of puppet theater. At 12, he went to the Conservatory of Music. For the first time in 14 years to play the role of "M" in the film was played by Dariush Mehrjui pear tree. The year before his older sister Poppy in "Layla" by other dariush had played. Effective role in the game from the young Mohammad Reza Sharifi Nia was in charge, he as an assistant director, the actors introduced to Maman.
Golshifteh for starring in the same film, The Pear Tree award for Best Supporting Actress at the International Film Festival (of 76) of its own. An award that his fate is entirely impressed. As we said, the wage was only given him a tape recorder. He then paid to music, however, that in 79 years in the film directed by F. trusted role played seven screens. After obtaining a diploma, certificate exchange to enter the Vienna Conservatory, and so he says, while tickets Vienna in his hands, decided to spend the rest of his life to cinema. In the meantime, he continued to study music and later entered the University of Applied Science and graduated with a degree in music. Glshfyth Farahani in English and French familiar.

Marriage with Amin Mohammad Mahdavi

He's 82 years in the film Daddy was familiar with his future wife. Amin Mohamed Mahdi, who was part of the film as an interpreter was present along with other factors. Sparks This lends the film "Babazyz" eats, later in the same year 82 were married. Amin Mohammad Mahdavi Born on: 15 Persian date Azar 1350, translated in English, French and Arabic and also speaks Spanish.
Golshifteh parents about what they say
F. Rahimnia about the education of their children, says: "I've got great kids free, creative children. But life is not limited to pain again." He decided that the actress Golshifteh says: "At first I was sad, because I had a bad experience of acting, I did not want him to be hurt, but anemone, flower pushed into acting. Acting is so attractive that when you enter the show, persistent late. " He adds: "I do not mind that the average total of 18 or 20, it was important to learn something. They go to the theater, cinema, art fairs, museums, parks and nature When we carried, which Mothers today are doing less for their children. "

Golshifteh Farahani and Behzad also tells his son: "In the year that we had the opportunity to work at night with lightning and went muddy alley Yvsfabad walked in. I tried to interest in literature and art as they grow . children I grew up, each in different social situations. muddy relatively calm conditions experienced.
Lightning was in the Great War. Anemone's life was complicated. Clay character is such that regular people's interest. In extreme difficulties to our open calls, leaving messages, comes to see me and to us the sense of responsibility. Rose notes that sometimes leaves me shaking my body. I remember once 40 heart drawn on paper and wrote "Daddy I love you". Golshifteh success he said: "I am delighted that the success of a goal as another success of any player happy. Success for me is as lovely goal is to successfully Alidousti hostage or song."
Career with a bright beginning
Pears -1376 directed by Dariush Mehrjui, Golshifteh Farahani, the main actor in the film cousin flashbacks (youth players) is responsible. He appeared as the powerful role that changed his future. The film's story is that, Mahmoud writer is to write the remainder of his new book, the father in the garden, Damavand has taken refuge. But the old pear tree in the garden is full of memories Mahmoud fruit farmers, he did not want the ritual to scare the tree and sit once again participate and Mahmoud accepts and in the meantime he over your teenager's diary, when he was fond of his aunt and her daughter expressing love and says her love poems and plays with him for hours in the garden various, but one girl to say goodbye comes as plans to go abroad with his father and Mahmoud asks him to wait, and the girl accepts, but years later, when Mahmoud into the political process will not answer her letters and she walked to the the historical postponed until the fall of political activism in prison and there to see one of the girl's family receives his feet.
Start again with seven screens
Seven movie screens in 1379, directed by F. Other Golshifteh is trusted. The story is that four young men to solve their financial problems, they come together and talk together. They agreed with the decision to try again to make money. But after the failure and despair come together again and they decided to steal. Preparation and supply them with weapons to attack and after a store robbery flee. Eventually surrounded and killed by police. Golshifteh who plays the role of Angel, one of the four young.
Stroke; weak
Film directed by Hamid Salahmand -1380 time work becomes weak. The film's story begins here that marriage Said and stroke (Golshifteh Farahani) who live in the neighborhood, despite previous promises, the opposition of her family, especially her father is facing due to Veterans The marriage was not happy. Time that the rigor of his family fed, Said suggested to escape and later married, but Said did not accept. Family time for it to end this relationship, time to go to her aunt's house. The difference between Saeed and his father's high time to stroke home the father and daughter and the little boy's family hostage and father threatens that time until today not return to the house, the kids will keep. The police soon surrounded the house and eventually father time comes to realize his mistakes, from time wants to come home.
Play in Fylmfarsy
Dvfrshth film workers Mohammad fact -1381. The story is that after the killing of his son to the Holy Father goes and he spent the entire night praying to. In Paris, a father his doctoral thesis about angels, their sex and their presence in the literature of ancient Iran and the West writes. In the desert, runaway teenager who is familiar with Angel and his world is changed. Golshifteh appear in the film as December.

In the same year, another film directed by Mehdi Pour cream starred, a group of several young men and women in a house on an island villa is summoning ghosts. It turns out that clandestine migration from the island nation are waiting for others. Drop (Golshifteh Farahani), the girl who was traveling in groups at risk, such as pregnant with this child and not his father, but it is unclear what awaits him, while he, unlike other people that say children should be eliminated, wants her child to be born. The debate over abandoning or keeping kids from taking up and now between Damon and spiritual connection found abandoned, Damon interest to release and hold her baby. A perfect Fylmfarsy that ends happily.
Three films one after another
Golshifteh starred in three films in 82 years. -1382 Babazyz directed Mhmdnasr paste one of them. The film's story is that old mystic dervish called "Dear Dad" in the desert to the Sufi gatherings that are held every 6 years, on the move. He is blind and walked through, his grandson, 7-year-old girl named "Ishtar" is associated to the user. Dad's and Ishtar, despite all the difficulties continue In this way, the people and events that are faced with the event related, one of the characters of light (Golshifteh Farahani), a young girl who is looking for his poet father after reaching the summit is dervishes . The film was not officially released.

Golshifteh In the same year in two other movies, "Tears of Cold" directed by A. Hamid race and "boutique" directed by Hamid Ne'matollah serves. Tears of Cold narrative conflict that started in Kurdistan, a large part of the area mined and some soldiers are killed every day. Kaveh Kiani, who specializes in defusing mines for the mission traveled to the region. From the first day the commander insists that there should be communication between soldiers and ordinary people, Kayani several times Ronak missions, the daughter of a shepherd (Golshifteh Farahani) sees. The meeting every day gradually becomes familiar. The relationship began to love you like hell, and eventually both were killed in a mine explosion.

As said, he played in the film a month and herd sheep in the mountains lived and lived with the people of the region and those who did not do his herd to graze. The film "boutique" is also the story of a poor girl who ran away from home and come to Tehran. The story is about the future (Golshifteh Farahani) young girl and pulled the young boy's deprivation. The boy in this story is trying to help the girl melancholy to silt up and distort the nature of the answer. No desire and no intention of taking possession of and no interest. Golshifteh Farahani as best actress for starring in the film twenty-second Fajr Film Festival for his stunning games in two films boutique cold Vashk Critics view is selected. Also won a Golden statue eighth celebration of cinema to star in the film Tears of Cold.
Golshifteh and fish fall in love
-1383 Fish fall in love. Directed by Ali tall. The story is that a man by the name of his father's acquisition and sale of property of the country once. But with the future of girls who love to travel to his face. Toka future with her daughter (Golshifteh Farahani) and two other women, a restaurant run. The events that occurs is unpredictable.
Play along with the style director
Directed by Ebrahim Hatami Kia father called 1384. The film is about the relationship between a father and young daughter in his Basiji that he was injured by mines left over from the war. Habiba (Golshifteh Farahani) captured one of mine and lost his leg and father in conflict with Inside, it's sinful.
Year prolific
Golshifteh Farahani this year in 6 films that three of them are among his best work. Wigs Brydh- 1385 by Jamshid Haidari story of a young girl named Mary (Golshifteh Farahani) who rebelled against his father's unrealistic expectations and the beginning of a struggle that other family members are also involved in the stories.

Niue Mang -1385 directed by Bahman Ghobadi's "Mamo," an old and well-known musician Kurdistan, with their children for a concert tour begins in post-Saddam Iraq. In this journey, Kaku middle-aged man who knows Mamo Yours sincerely, as he accompanies the driver. Mamo children who live in different areas collects. Golshifteh in the film as one of the sons of the old Mang Niue appears.

Like Mother -1385 directed by Rasul Mlaqly pour a story about children diseases. Doctors said the child because of the Dawn (Golshifteh Farahani) caused by the inhalation of chemical weapons during the war know by dawn. Sohail (father said) insists child, but dawn opposed to a home delivery. Golshifteh played three roles in the film.

Sntvry- 1385 directed by Mehrjui story of Ali, a dulcimer player and singer skilled young people who have suddenly lost their life at the height of fame and success tether and goes astray. He says all the misery began when the great love of my life, Hania (Golshifteh Farahani) left me, but Haniyeh is time that Ali has been caught in paragraph addiction.

It was the ninth state with poor censor in the Ministry of Culture. However, that was not allowed to release their foreign show at the festival. Film because it showed that contrary to the customs and attitudes of viewers was diagnosed, so people decided to replace Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance minister said so when I'm the film has released will not happen. A bit of hope and wagon of death a film directed by Reza Azamian were two other films this year were affected and most of them were not paid, though, that things were not good.
Golshifteh, instead of a Woman
Always a Woman in 1386, is directed by Kamal Tabrizi is one of the most significant works Golshifteh Farahani, the film narrates the story of a couple by the name of hope and Mary (Golshifteh Farahani), which is involved in everyday life so that your marriage have been completely forgotten and persistently have decided to be separated. In the film with a magnifying glass, delicate points that relations between men and women in society and the environment, with at humor displayed. In the same year Golshifteh directed by Mohammad Talebi also played in the film wall. Video story of a teenage girl (Golshifteh Farahani) who lost his father and his younger brother tries to maintain.
About Elly and a bunch of lies

Golshifteh Farahani that "About Elly" by Asghar Farhadi worked in 1387, attracting a Hollywood work, and work for the release of "About Elly" was too hard. "About Elly" half horror content. Department of Licensing Guidance feature of this film festival like Golshifteh Farahani Film Festival because of the presence in the film issued. Because it was on the red carpet in Hollywood without a veil appeared ruddy. However, shortly after Farhadi problem with Shmqdry mediation ended, but Golshifteh the red carpet at the Hollywood what?
American raised an assistant director for the Eastern actress Golshifteh become acquainted with the work in Iran, he then invited him for an interview, and the lucky young girl and the female lead roles Ridley Scott its own. This film is about an American journalist who was wounded in Iraq and the CIA, he is hired to track down al-Qaeda leader in Jordan. Golshifteh in this film played the role of a nurse in Iraq and Suleiman al-Qaeda agent is attached to him. Golshifteh Farahani fourth name on the list of actors to be seen as the first film actress. Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe, Mark Strong, actors, whose names have already been mentioned Farahani .

August 1387 for his role in the film A Fistful of Lies, Golshifteh Farahani's travel ban was announced. Later, Golshifteh Farahani was going to America, on the red carpet in Hollywood without a veil and a dress night appeared. October, this year, after a private screening of the film, he said in an interview with American newspaper Daily News said: "It was a lot of trouble for me. My passport confiscated and was interrogated several times by the Ministry of Information. Finally, the judge announced that the court must see film to finally issue a warrant for me. " He said that it does not intend, to return to Iran in return for her problems will arise.

Later, due to the presence of film unveiled at Hollywood Farahani was excluded and implicitly about Golshifteh Saffar said: "If the artist violates the rules, we'll put him under foot." Shmqdry mediation, a Saffar Ahmadinejad and ordered to be saved on both the national and international festivals. Berlinale director Asghar Farhadi's About Elly Award at night when it won the Silver Bear, Golshifteh Farahani appeared again, but this time with a veil and while the news was his intention to return to Iran.
Farahani press conference "About Elly" in Berlin announced by Iranian passport with the passport of the country and plans to return to Iran. Early March while the remaining few months of the presidential election, suddenly Javad Shamaqdari artistic adviser to the president, said in a statement: "The decision about returning or jurisdiction to deal with the actor in me, but if I tell you, they have just come back. as far as I know, Mr. Ahmadinejad's The same opinion. Ms. Farahani error and then was sorry. " The Golshifteh also said he was certain to return with spring release film to return to Iran.

Golshifteh Farahani says about itself

Uncomplimentary to say the least talent in our family I am but I better conditions for the Buddha, aunt caring for his nephew is the hardest job in acting work in front of ninety years, and ten years low and non-actors, the characters are eccentric and bustle, kindness and selfless giving to those around him; the beloved actor Johnny Depp and believes he is a genius actor. Nicole Kidman also loves to play. The model is the opposite and believes that every person has the right to go into more index Everyone must go his way.
The pleasure that the cinema has not got any time in the music, but the "cinema of music around me, but I'm not going to get away from music. I want to go back again to practice the music for me. I'm religious music it I will repay. "wishes to work with shinning Bani-Etemad. Its role in Tears of Cold farthest and closest role he played in a pear tree; Kianian and loves games. His opinion about the director who worked with them, so states: "Every director I have a new life and world. Mr. Mlaqly Poor's honor. He is without exaggeration one of my honors in cinema. I strictly to respect him and to his feet saying I stand. I say this because this is a lot of talk behind them and this is only because of his candor and directness.
In this film apart from the acting and directing, I learned a lot from him in the field of cinema. "He loved to play the roles, says:" Most of the books I wanted to come into play. For example, a child I wanted to "Pippi Longstocking" I still love her too much play, leading to the old I do not eat. "Tiesto Sbzangshty" is one of the roles that I wanted to play. Now I would like alchemy role - to play Mvlana- daughter. In ordinary life in all stages, I asked a specific role to play. For example, now I would really like lumpen lots without head and feet of a rude and funny play. They want to be the actors generally mad, blind or physically disabled play, I will play a role at any level I think. "Golshifteh Farahani, Iranian ambassador to the fight against tuberculosis.
Pears -1376
-1379 seven curtain
time -1380
-1381 Dvfrshth
elsewhere -1381
boutique, Babazyz and cold tears -1382
-1383 fish are in love with
the father -1384
Niue Mang, hair cut, Like Mother, dulcimer, Chariot death and a bit of hope -1385
-1386 Always a Woman Involved wall
about -1387 to
-2008 is a lie

Mary and Mardavyj -1382
Black Narcissus -1383
-1384 Inspector

Crystal Simorgh for Best Actor winner of the International Film Festival
best actor twenty-second Fajr Film Festival for his stunning games in two films tears boutiques and selected authors and critics cold to
win the golden statue eighth celebration of cinema to play In the film Tears of Cold


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